Double Dial
Cassie Bogart
So the dialer can tell if its a voicemail or not but still connects you with the voicemail? I am assuming that is because it does not want the voicemail recognizer to take too long for when a lead answers the call and for it to be awkward.If possible that would be a great feature to have as it would save time for me to click the voicemail button. It also does not work well with the double dial feature as if someone answers the call within 3 rings it will connect me with their voicemail on the first call, then I have to call them again myself. I want to click as minimal buttons as possible and want it running in the background. I can handle a 2 to 3 second delay from the dialer to check if someone actually picked up or not instead of just connecting me immediately.
You could also just let it connect then have the voicemail recognizer still be on and if it is a voicemail it auto skips/ starts the double dial.
Steve Keiser
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